As IC İÇTAŞ Enerji, the principles stated below form our quality policy basis:
- To do our operations according to regulations, environment and moral principles.
- To contribute to meet energy need safely and sustainably with existing plants and realization of projects being at investment/planning stage.
- To be well-intentioned and fair with our relationships with our employees, subcontractors and suppliers.
- To be remembered with consistency and high credibility about our relations with institutions.
- To provide high quality services exceeding expectations of customers on all operation fields.
- To do personal development investment in order to improve personal talent and creativity and by this means to enable them to take new responsibilities/tasks that will influence their career developments and also to become the symbol of reliability in energy sector by providing mutual satisfaction between shareholders.
- To be involved in reformative activities all the time towards effectiveness and development of the system in order to provide high quality services.